Hui Hui

It is time for my last update from “The ‘Da”, as I will be leaving here in just a few days.  I have really enjoyed all the work that I have been doing with the pandas, and despite its isolation, the town of Gengda has welcomed us and feels like it is now my Chinese home.

Bing Cheng at Gengda


It has been a very busy three months and this next week will be no different as I try to wrap up and finalize everything that I have been working on.  The stereotype observations have been going well, despite the relocation and movement of some of the bears due to the construction going on at the base.  Here’s a couple of shots of bears in their new pens!

Zi Yan

Xi Xi (Male)

Xi Wong

Tong Tong

Rong Rong

Jia Mei

Jia He

I have also been spending a lot of time making videos of the footage that I have collected from Shui Xiu and her cub, Xiu Qiu, at Hetaoping.  I have been using them as a model pair to help refine the weaning ethogram by observing their interactions.  A couple of times a week I have also been able to do live observations with some of the mothers and their young cubs that were born this year at Shenshuping.  Using the maternal care ethogram to observe their behaviors, I am able to compare what I see to our weaning ethogram and make adjustments that might be necessary for observing older cubs once the study begins.    

I know some of you have not yet been able to visit Shenshuping yet, and for my last blog post I wanted to include pictures of the pandas that have, like me, been calling Gengda their home.  Here’s a last look at the kindergarten cubs!

A Jie and Yi Yun(with the white foot) often spend time playing together

Ya Jun waiting impatiently for her panda bread
