The Javan Primate Conservation Center- Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

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The gibbons and langurs have fantastic open-top enclosures!

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The keepers would create different forms of enrichment almost daily for all of the gibbons & langurs. Enrichment included: bamboo stalks with sunflower seeds, food items wrapped in banana leaves, natural foliage collected from the forest, as well as mirrors and stuffed animals. They even used a stuffed leopard to test the gibbons’ predator responses.

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Moving a newly rescued surili (grizzled leaf monkey) to quarantine. Luckily, new gibbons & langurs that come to the center do not have to spend their quarantine period in a small cage in an enclosed area. Rather the center has an area reserved for quarantine that is located just a little way up the valley with a separate observation house.

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She settled in very nicely!

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Some newly rescued gibbons.


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This lovely female gibbon, Acoy, was not too fond of me…she was chasing me off as I walked by her enclosure!

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My work schedule while I was there!


Helping the guys with enclosure maintenance.

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We had some time to sightsee while collecting fruit & foliage from the forest! Awah Putih (white crater) located at the top of Mt.Patuha.

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Tea plantation at the base of the mountain.


An assortment of foliage makes a lovely bouquet!



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Makan siang (lunch)!


Local school children on a field trip to JPCC!

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Enjoying the sun!

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Probably my favorite picture. Ukong is quite the performer!


Can’t wait to go back!


Happy New Year Everyone!
