2017 Christmas Giant Panda Internship

2017 Christmas Giant Panda Internship

Our 2017 “Christmas” Giant Panda Internship application will be closing on July 14th. This internship period is one of my favorites as the Sichuan weather is dry and cool. Our main focus during this time is to monitor the newborn cubs and to collect...
Preparing for Panda Cubs- Katherine Brantley

Preparing for Panda Cubs- Katherine Brantley

I can’t believe we are now in our second month here in China! Time has flown by and we’ve made great progress in this summer’s studies. As many of you know, PDXWildlife interns are assigned specific projects at the start of the internship based on our interests and...
An Elongated Breeding Season

An Elongated Breeding Season

When deciding on the program dates for the winter interns, PDXWildlife takes into account the average start and stop times of previous breeding seasons over the last two decades. This allows us to maximize the likelihood that we can collect as much data as possible....
No Science Without the Culture

No Science Without the Culture

While PDXWildlife heavily focuses their internship program on science and study design, an exciting and necessary addition is cultural immersion. Without diving head-first into the complexities of Chinese society, one might not receive the full experience that this...
Meet the PDXWildlife Panda Team

Meet the PDXWildlife Panda Team

With our Feb. 15th -May 15th Giant Panda internship now closed, we though it would be a good idea for everyone to meet the PDXWildlife panda team. Meghan Martin, pictured in the black panda hat, is the director of PDXWildlife and the lead biologist on the Giant Panda...