Mama Bears of Bifengxia

Mama Bears of Bifengxia

I primarily focus on the maternal care study for the Winter Internship at Bifengxia, so I thought it’d be appropriate for me to talk about the different mothers I observe. I will focus on 3 mothers in this blog post – Qiao Qiao, Xi Dou, and Su Shan. All three have...
2018- The Year Ahead

2018- The Year Ahead

2017 was quite a year for PDXWildlife in terms of scientific publications, internship opportunities, and trips to China to support our continued research on giant pandas. However, as we look ahead to 2018, the travel schedule doesn’t seem to be slowing down. On...
John Nettles- 2017 PDXWildlife Winter Intern

John Nettles- 2017 PDXWildlife Winter Intern

My name is John Nettles and I’m an aspiring wildlife biologist from Austin, Texas. I was 10 years old when I first saw a wild bear on a family vacation in Alaska and have not lost interest since. On a trip to Glacier National Park a few years later, we spotted a...
Off to Gengda

Off to Gengda

As I pack our video and audio equipment into boxes, there are some bittersweet feelings in the air here at Bifengxia. We’ve been tip-toeing around the fact that the CCRCGP breedings will now take place at Gengda. Which, at this point, means that we will need to...