Goodbye 2019 . . . Hello 2020!

Sitting here the eve before a brand new decade at my desk, and I’m thinking about how much has happened over the past 10 years. If you donated and received our 2020 Calendar you’ll have a lovely look back at highlights from our last 10 years of panda work! (If...


Intern setting camera traps for reintroduction personality study at Hetaoping. Exciting news to share with everyone! We’re headed back to China in September to resume work and collaboration with the CCRCGP on all of our projects! The CCRCGP has approved our...
Update: Social Suppression of Maternal Care

Update: Social Suppression of Maternal Care

Hi everyone! First of all, I would like to thank you for your interest and support in my project. For those of you who missed the previous blog and the Memphis conference where Meg and Nate presented some of my preliminary results, here’s brief summary of the...