With the beginning of the new year, the panda research season also kicks off. In a few days, PDXWildlife ships off to Sichuan, China to train a team of 4 interns to collect behavioral data as well as the highly lucrative job of bagging panda poop. The PDXWildlife panda team, led by Meghan Martin and Nathan Wintle will be spending several months in Bifengxia and Dujiangyan to spearhead this years exciting research.

Nathan & Meghan, Your PDXWildlife Panda Team. Let the 2016 research season begin.

Nathan & Meghan, Your PDXWildlife Panda Team. Let the 2016 research season begin.

We’d love to have visitors come by to check out what it is that we do. Don’t hesitate to email us if you would like details of how to get here. In the meantime, check out our projects page to learn more about our research.

-Mate Choice in Giant Pandas

-Mercury & Methylmercury in Giant Pandas